The OZCF sports committe endevour to bring people together and forge friendships and fun with sporting activities...
Short term
The goal is to bring together the community with the powerful tool of sport. Other Zoroastrian communities currently have sporting ventures and the OZCF has, sinc it's established ran numerous events such as Table Tennis, Volley ball, Soccer, etc.
This short term goal, although not fully achieved is moving well and will continue but we would like to move to our Intermediate as qucikly as possible.
Make available for use part of the OZCF lands to accomodate more onsite activities and create a place for community sports development and usage. There is nothing like having your own place to go and enjoy activities whether it be organized or other.
Long term
Make available for use an area of 120 metres x 80 metres for use for all activites, sports, functions, picnics, etc